Hathaway Group Announces New Partner


Hathaway Group today announced that Wes Martin is now an owner, joining existing partners Jeff Hathaway, Stuart Mackey and John Hathaway.

Martin, vice president and director of retail brokerage, joined the firm in 2012 as a sales associate. He leads the retail brokerage practice area, helps mentor new salespeople, and handles all types of properties and transactions.

“Wes has been with our firm for almost seven years now. He initially did an internship with us a few years earlier, when he was in college, which makes us even more proud to announce that he’s now a partner,” said Jeff Hathaway, president and CEO of Hathaway Group. “We think it’s key to have one of the younger stars in our industry as a shareholder and a board member of our firm.”  

“At 32 years old, Wes has shown an impressive ability to develop strong relationships with people regardless of their age. He has a unique gift to apply polite persistence in a way that gets deals done but never makes others uncomfortable. He’s a special talent in commercial real estate.” 

Jeff Hathaway, president and CEO

Martin is a member of the Arkansas CCIM
(Certified Commercial Investment Member) Chapter, Little Rock Realtors Association, and International Council of Shopping Centers. He also serves on the board of directors for the Better Business Bureau of Arkansas and is a past chair of Create Little Rock
and Rotaract Club of Little Rock. He is a member of the Hat Club of Little Rock and Church at Rock Creek and serves on the awards committee for the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. Martin, a Bryant High School graduate, holds a bachelor of science degree in finance with an emphasis in real estate from Missouri State University.

Eric Rob Isaac